Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Silo for Shadows | The Home of Half Open Men

“Did you never observe the narrow intelligence flashing from the keen eye of a clever rogue — how eager he is, how clearly his paltry soul sees the way to his end; he is the reverse of blind, but his keen eyesight is forced into the service of evil, and he is mischievous in proportion to his cleverness...
But what if there had been a circumcision of such natures in the days of their youth; and they had been severed from those sensual pleasures.”

The Silo for Shadows is a place of refuge for adolescent and teenage boys aware of shortcomings in their own personal surroundings but unable to find help. From a broken home or a broken heart; parents with drug addictions, extreme poverty or domestic violence; the ‘Home of Half Open Men will provide a sanctuary of transition for young men falling from grace but desperately trying to find their feet.

The Home of Half Open Men is the literal manifestation of three unique qualities of light; from light to Shadow through a transitional state of flux. These qualities of light are created by a triptych of architectural silos created through a series of formal elements within the buildings interior.

With the assumption that pure light is just as much a void as pure darkness it is within the state of transitional flux, between these two extremes that knowledge and awareness can be found. As the boys of this home travel on a journey through the building they shall discover that the true journey is in fact that from the street, through their rehabilitation within the building and finally back into the city as members of society.

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